On 27 May at 18 Gerly Tamm will defend her doctoral thesis in psychology “Multiple sources of variation in perception and working memory for facial emotional expressions” (“Emotsionaalsete näoilmete taju ja töömälu variatiivsuse allikad”).
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Over the last decades, scientists around the world have tried to explain the roots of antisocial behaviour and factors that might help predict it. Still, no upstanding answers have been provided. Based on ECPBHS data we wanted to identify those factors that would reveal future antisocial factors from childhood or youth and do to that, […]
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Severe behavioural issues such as impulsive action and suicide have since long been associated with low levels of cholesterol. While it is known that cholesterol plays a role in neural development and hence low levels of serum lipids could have long-term effects on behaviour, no longitudinal studies showed the association of serum lipids levels with […]
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We are happy to announce that our PhD student Gerly Tamm has received the Student Research Award Honorable Mention from Association for Psychological Science 32nd Annual Convention with her poster presentation “Present vs Past Diagnoses of Social Anxiety Disorder: Differences in Recognition of Emotional Schematic Facial Expressions in Working Memory”. Due to the Covid-19 the […]
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As a result of Horizon 2020 projects (CoCA and Eat2BeNICE), we have been blogging about our findings and other interesting topics. The first blog was Triin Kurrikoff’s “Is there an entrepreneur gene?“, where she writes about ADHD-related genes and how COMT gene affects enterprising positions. If you want to know more about aggression and how genes […]
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The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased worldwide and is affecting millions of adults and children (1). The development of obesity is complex with factors like genetics, individual metabolism, dietary and physical activity choices, food and water availability, education and culture, playing a role (2). Several genome wide association studies have revealed an association […]
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We are delighted to announce that we have an Estophilus research award holder visiting Tartu this year. Dr Angelos Kassianos, who is health psychologist and who is working at University College London, is coming to University of Tartu to conduct a research on our ECPBHS data. He will focus on how health behaviors like alcohol […]
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We are happy to announce that Maarika Traat received a special prize of Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs! Her work “The Influence of the Dopamine Transporter Genotype and Childhood Family Relations on Depressiveness and Depression Based on a Longitudinal Study” was based on ECPBHS younger cohort data. The study investigated the role of dopamine in […]
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We are glad to announce that the data collection is over and we had 504 participants in the 8th study wave. Thank you for participating!
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CoCA project (Comorbid Conditions of ADHD, https://coca-project.eu/) that started in year 2016 has released video (https://youtu.be/prv-xHmQorY) to explain the project and comorbid conditions of ADHD, depression, anxiety, substance use disorders and many others.