ECPBHS study presenting the book “From childhood to adulthood, in Estonia”
7. Apr 2016
At the beginning of the August the book “From childhood to adulthood, in Estonia” was published which gives an overview of the initialization and development of the ECPBHS study throughout 16 years. It also describes the main results of the study written by the scientists of specific area.
Publishing of this book was supported by Doctoral School of Behavioural, Social and Health Sciences. More than half a dozen doctoral theses have been written based on ECPBHS data and many more are coming.
All the participants of the study will receive the book free of charge. The book will be available in Chemicum (Ravila 14a – 2069, from 9.00 to 16.00 on weekdays).
The book is also available in pdf version: Lapsest_täiskasvanuks_Eestis