Metabolism & fitness

Metabolism & fitness

Katus U, Villa I, Ringmets I, Vaht M, Mäestu E, Mäestu J, Veidebaum T, Harro J (in press). Association of FTO rs1421085 with obesity, diet, physical activity and socioeconomic status: a longitudinal birth cohort study. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases

Katus U, Villa I, Pulver A, Veidebaum T, Harro J (in press). Reward sensitivity, glucose metabolism, and candidate genes: variants of the translocatior protein (TSPO) and TFAP2B genes in a cohort study. Eur Neuropsychopharm

Mäestu E, Harro J, Veidebaum T, Kurrikoff T, Mäestu J (2020). Changes in cardiorespiratory fitness through adolescence predict metabolic syndrome in young adults. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseased 30: 701-708

Joost U, Villa I, Comasco E, Oreland L, Veidebaum T, Harro J (2019). Association between Transcription Factor AP-2B genotype, obesity, insulin resistance and dietary intake in a longitudinal study. International Journal of Obesity 43:2095-2106.

Lätt E, Jürimäe J, Harro J, Loit HM, Mäestu J (2018). Low fitness is associated with metabolic risk independently of central adiposity in a cohort of 18-years-olds. Scand J Med Sci Sports 28(3): 1084-1091.

Ortega FB, Konstabel K, Pasquali E, Ruiz JR, Hurtig-Wennlöf A, Mäestu J, Löf M, Harro J, Bellocco R, Labayen I, Veidebaum T, Sjöström M (2013). Objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time during childhood, adolescence and young adulthood: a cohort study. PLoS One 8(4): e60871.

Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Labayen I, Hurtig-Wennlöf A, Harro J, Kwak L, Oja L, Merenäkk L, Veidebaum T, Sjöström M (2013). Role of socio-cultural factors on changes in fitness and adiposity in youth: A 6-year follow-up study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 23(9): 883-890.

Labayen I, Ruiz JR, Ortega FB, Loit H-M, Harro J, Villa I, Veidebaum T, Sjöström M (2012). Exclusive breastfeeding duration and cardiorespiratory fitness in children and adolescents. Am J Clin Nutr 95(2): 498-505.

Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Labayen I, Hurting-Wennlöf A, Harro J, Kwak L, Oja L, Merenäkk L, Veidebaum T, Sjostrom M (2011). Fitness and fatness from childhood to adolescence and from adolescence to young adulthood. Obesity 35(10): 1284-1288.

Martinez-Vizcaino V, Ortega FB, Solera-Martinez M, Ruiz JR, Eensoo D, Harro J, Loit H-M, Veidebaum T, Sjöström M (2011). Stability of the factorial structure of metabolic syndrome from childhood to adolescence: a 6-year follow-up study. Cardiovasc Diabetol 10(81): Article Nr 81

Labayen I, Ruiz JR, Ortega FB, Harro J, Merenäkk L, Oja L, Veidebaum T, Sjöström M (2011). Insulin sensitivity at childhood predicts changes in total and central adiposity over a 6-year period. Int J Obesity 35(10): 1284-1288.

Ortega FB, Labayen I, Ruiz JR, Kurvinen E, Loit H-M, Harro J, Veidebaum T, Sjöström M (2011). Improvements in fitness reduce the risk of becoming overweight across puberty. Med Sci Sports Exerc 43(10): 1891-1897.

Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Labayen I, Kwak L, Harro J, Oja L, Veidebaum T, Sjöström M (2011). Sleep duration and activity levels in Estonian and Swedish children and adolescents. Eur J Appl Physiol 111(10): 2615-2623.

Akkermann K, Hiio K, Villa I, Harro J (2011). Food restriction leads to binge eating dependent upon the effect of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism. Psychiatr Res 185(1-2): 39-43.

Labayen I, Ruiz JR, Ortega FB, Loit H-M, Harro J, Veidebaum T, Sjöström M (2010). Intergenerational cardiovascular disease risk factors involves both maternal and paternal BMI. Diabetes Care 33(4): 894-900.

Akkermann K, Nordquist N, Oreland L, Harro J (2010). Serotonin transporter gene promoter polymorphism affects the severity of binge eating in general population. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 34(1): 111-114.

Nordquist N, Göktürk C, Comasco E, Eensoo D, Merenäkk L, Veidebaum T, Oreland L, Harro J (2009). The transcription factor TFAP2B is associated with insulin resistance and adiposity in healthy adolescents. Obesity 17(9): 1762-1767.

Akkermann K, Paaver M, Nordquist N, Oreland L, Harro J (2008). Association of 5-HTT gene polymorphism, platelet MAO activity and drive for thinness in a population-based sample of adolescent girls. Int J Eat Disorder 41(5): 399-404.

Villa I, Yngve A, Poortvliet E, Grjibovski A, Liiv K, Sjöström M, Harro M (2007). Dietary intake among under-, normal- and overweight 9- and 15-year-old Estonian and Swedish schoolchildren. Public Health Nutr 10(3): 311-322.

Mäestu J, Villa I, Parik J, Paaver M, Merenäkk L, Eensoo D, Harro M, Harro J (2007). Human adrenergic receptor C-1291G polymorphism leads to higher consumption of sweet food products. Mol Psychiatry 12(6): 520-521.

Anderssen SA, Cooper AR, Riddoch C, Sardinha LB, Harro M, Brage S, Andersen LB (2007). Low cardiorespiratory fitness is a strong predictor for clustering of cardiovascular disease risk factors in children independent of country, age and sex. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 14(4): 526-531.

Hurtig-Wennlöf A, Ruiz JR, Harro M, Sjöström M (2007). Cardiorespiratory fitness relates more strongly than physical activity to cardiovascular disease risk factors in healthy children and adolescents: the European Youth Heart Study. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 14(4): 575-581.

Klasson-Heggebø L, Andersen LB, Wennlöf AH, Sardinha LB, Harro M, Froberg K, Anderssen SA (2006). Graded associations between cardiorespiratory fitness, fatness, and blood pressure in children and adolescents. Br J Sports Med 40(1): 25-29.

Andersen LB, Harro M, Sardinha LB, Froberg K, Ekelund U, Brage S, Anderssen SA (2006). Physical activity and clustered cardiovascular risk in children: a cross-sectional study (The European Youth Heart Study). Lancet 368(9532): 299-304.

Ekelund U, Brage S, Froberg K, Harro M, Anderssen SA, Sardinha LB, Riddoch C, Andersen LB (2006). TV viewing and physical activity are independently associated with metabolic risk in children: the European Youth Heart Study. PLoS Med 3(12): e488.

Riddoch CJ, Bo Andersen L, Wedderkopp N, Harro M, Klasson-Heggebø L, Sardinha LB, Cooper AR, Ekelund U (2004). Physical activity levels and patterns of 9- and 15-yr-old European children.Med Sci Sports Exerc 36(1): 86-92.

Ekelund U, Sardinha LB, Anderssen SA, Harro M, Franks PW, Brage S, Cooper AR, Andersen LB, Riddoch C, Froberg K (2004). Associations between objectively assessed physical activity and indicators of body fatness in 9- to 10-y-old European children: a population-based study from 4 distinct regions in Europe (the European Youth Heart Study). Am J Clin Nutr 80(3): 584-590.